Sunday, July 8, 2012

First Things First!

I will take the timeless saying of the Greek philosopher Socrates, “Know Thyself.” I believe whole hearted this the catalyst of a solid relationship and your relationship is as healthy as the least unstable spouse or partner. Are you looking for a faithful partner? Are you faithful? Are you looking for someone who communicates well? Do you communicate well? Knowing you is the best thing you can do to be prepared to be the answer to another’s prayer for the ideal lover/spouse.
 It is imperative that we take the time to understand us before we add others into our own little worlds known as Population Me. In order to give, receive, and preserve love we must understand what love is. One definition will not be efficient, for love is multi-dimensional, but for the sake of conversation, my working definition is such:
 Love- An endearing attitude with appropriate behavior: A choice to act in adoration: the soul’s energy source that produces words of affirmation, unconditional service, giving, and physical and spiritual closeness.
This is your measuring stick not only towards prospective loves, but first, the measure of how are you loving you. If we think about it, Jesus is the ultimate model in essence of showing forth true love. The Bible tells us that God is love, and in the 2nd book to the Corinthian church the Apostle Paul gave us a very detail description on how to identify love, its qualities, and what it is not.
 Because of love complexities, many confuse emotional, physiological reactions of attraction for love. But when the natural high dissipates, the birds stop chirping, and the symphony stops playing, you’ll find yourself suddenly trapped and asking yourself the question, “How did I get here?, Who is this person?, What was I thinking?” I would like to stress to you ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you for argument sake that one cannot be successful in loving others whole hearted if they don’t know who they are. To know YOU is to love YOU.  It is a wise person who understands this concept and understands that the knowing of ones’ self is a life time process. For everyone who grows in knowledge, experience, and faith, in examining themselves, realizes that your desires, taste, aspirations change. In this notion, we must take in to account the examination of self. Take some time to get intimate with you:
Take some time, this day, to see you for who you are… the good, the bad, the weird, and most of all, the motive. In self-assessing, you will come to the understanding of what sort of personality you have, and know what type of individual would suit you best and bring balance and not chaos to your world. Promise me this that you will look into you deeply before you jump into another dopamine- induced- fly by night- he will do for now type of scenario! Let’s go! Let’s go! This is...

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